2010년 5월 22일 토요일

Hi, i'm Park Sayoung

I started this blog to introduce my country, Korea. Meeting many people from different countries, I realized that there are too many people who misunderstand South Korea. I am planning to tell about Korean cultures, entertainment, traditions, and even political issues. I am not so sure how I can change people's understanding about my country, but I believe I can make something, even though it is a very tiny thing. The most important thing is that I want to do something for my country and there are many other people who have tha same idea. So, I will be pleased if you, visitors, feel "Oh, Korea is actually very different to what I thought about it!"

This is a small place. I am not going to make huge projects with this blog. I just want this blog to be a place people can talk about and know Korea from very small things.

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