2010년 5월 22일 토요일


Hanbok (South Korea) is the traditional Korean dress. It is often characterized by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets. Although the term literally means "Korean clothing", hanbok today often refers specifically to hanbok of Joseon Dynasty and is worn as semi-formal or formal wear during traditional festivals and celebrations. Modern hanbok does not exactly follow the actual style as worn in Joseon dynasty since it went through some major changes during the 20th century for practical reasons. (from Wikipedia)

This is a part of what I prepared for my how to wear Hanbok speech. Hanbok is Korean traditional clothes which both men and women wear. These days, people do not often wear Hanbok, but there are many tries-kind of a movement- to make Hanbok a wearable clothes. Here are several pictures of modern versions of Hanbok.

And this is traditional one.

A Korean actress Yoon Jung Hee in Cannes Film Festival. She looks gorgeous and beautiful with that blue and purple Hanbok. Red clutch goes well with the clothes, too. Personally, I think the most beatiful aspects of Hanbok are soft curves in skirt, and Goreum(Kind of a tie or ribbon. The blue ribbon you can see in that picture!)

Hi, i'm Park Sayoung

I started this blog to introduce my country, Korea. Meeting many people from different countries, I realized that there are too many people who misunderstand South Korea. I am planning to tell about Korean cultures, entertainment, traditions, and even political issues. I am not so sure how I can change people's understanding about my country, but I believe I can make something, even though it is a very tiny thing. The most important thing is that I want to do something for my country and there are many other people who have tha same idea. So, I will be pleased if you, visitors, feel "Oh, Korea is actually very different to what I thought about it!"

This is a small place. I am not going to make huge projects with this blog. I just want this blog to be a place people can talk about and know Korea from very small things.